God has His own ways to teach and inspire! This adage came true to me recently. Like any other teacher, I was given the opportunity to conduct a ‘What if …?’ session with students of SVM. June b…
The FIRST STEP shows your COURAGE, the second your CONFIDENCE. It was with all the enthusiasm at its peak that we celebrated the Second Foundation Year of Sarvankash Vidya Mandir which falls on 21st J…
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” -Mahatma Gandhi World Environment Day (also called as WED) has been celebrated as annual event on every 5th Jun…
Well, at the onset, I am sure the image given above has already set your minds ticking… Yes, each one at this moment must be asking ourselves ,” Mind is full?” or “Are we Mindful?” This brin…
Children presently are experiencing a world which is very contradictory to what they were living 24/7 a month and a half back; now there is no getting up early in the morning, ‘No school thus no sch…
Someone recently asked my husband Ajit, as he is a sportsman, if he consciously exposed our son to losing just so that our son could learn to cope with a loss, as most kids today are guilty of not bei…
Dear Parent A School camp is a place of active learning that occurs on many levels, a residential summer camp as a unique learning environment. Children who find it difficult to learn in another setti…
When engaging with parents across the country from metros to smaller towns, it is fascinating to note that the expectations remain fairly consistent in what parents desire of their children. Everyone …
I strongly believe that environment education should begin at a young age. Children watch and imitate the attitudes and actions of the adults around them towards living things. Whether it’s a jar of…